Showing posts with label WLIFW SS 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WLIFW SS 2012. Show all posts

Thursday 4 October 2012

AM:PM by Ankur & Priyanka Modi

The Mayan Maze



Known is a drop, the unknown is an Ocean.

Deep in the rainforests of Mesoamerica, lies the perfect maze.

Enchanted by the Mayans, he who entered the maze, and solved his way to the other end, would be the one to attain true and absolute enlightenment.  To him, all of life’s secrets would uncover, with him, the supreme source of energy would connect, to him, all unknown, will be known.

This season, for Spring Summer 2013, the designers draw inspiration from this ancient civilization, imprinting an entire collection with hints of its myths and mystique.

Exotic imagery of God-Birds, Pyramids, Birds of Paradise and the Maze Floritisque, all find their way into the soul of this lush collection.

The fabrics used are natural with dewy freshness. Silk Satins and Organzas have been woven to reflect, as if water was their thread, and from them silhouettes, so fluid, as if liquid in form.

The simplest palette of black and white signifies,
 the riddled journey of man, through all the other shades of life,
beginning from nothingness, evolving towards the Light, while encompassing everything in between.